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Welcome to ANTSHE

Celebrating Non-Traditional Students for Over 20 Years!


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Proud partner of Pinnacle & Spire Honor Societies
Recognizing and celebrating adult learners for their academic achievements and success.

ANTSHE's mission is to provide academic resources, and motivational support for non-traditional students, and to celebrate, and to build on the network of faculty, administrators, and advisors that work with and inspire non-traditional students to succeed.

The Association for Non-Traditional Students in Higher Education (ANTSHE) and its affiliated colleges, universities, and nontraditional students share a focus on providing key resources, research, and support for faculty and adult students at colleges and universities across the country. ANTSHE believes that adult learners reach a higher level of success and completion of their degree programs when they have the support of faculty, administrators, advisors, and other members of their informal support network (i.e., friends, family, colleagues, etc.). As a part of the informal support network, ANTSHE's leadership works with administrators, advisors, faculty and other leaders in higher education to address key factors involving nontraditional students, providing support for these networks to help them to be able to better support adult learners at their colleges and universities. Our publications, resources, and outreach programs are designed to share successful models and strategies to improve retention and completion rates for adult students. We provide assistance to administrators and faculty members in improving and assessing the adult programs at their institutions. ANTSHE also provides information on the importance of programs that support adult students to state legislatures, private foundations, and government agencies. ANTSHE welcomes academic professionals and nontraditional students from all types of academic institutions. 


Definition of nontraditional student: Researchers generally consider nontraditional students to have the following characteristics: being independent for financial aid purposes, having one or more dependents, being a single caregiver, not having a traditional high school diploma, delaying postsecondary enrollment, attending school part time, and being employed full time (U.S. Dept. of Education, 2017).




Latest Publications

Nontrad Journal Vol 20.PNG

The Nontrad Journal

Nov '19 Issue

Restructuring Higher Education for the Future: Transforming the Traditional College into the Nontraditional College

Adult Education Course

© 2024 by The Association for Nontraditional Students in Higher Education


Association for Nontraditional Students in Higher Education, and ANTSHE logo are registered service marks of The Association for Nontraditional Students in Higher Education. 


Proud partner of Pinnacle & Spire Honor Societies. Recognizing and celebrating adult learners for their academic achievements and success.

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